* Extract the "se" folder from inside the 7z archive to the game's "data" folder. You can edit save of Ao no Kiseki PC without save resigning, rehashing, compression, or encryption. * Inside the game's "data" folder, make a backup copy of the original "se" folder.
Let me know if there are any issues with the mod and I will do my best to fix them! This version is () from a few other seeders, but I will no longer be seeding this version. Used unmodified clips from Evolution, so certain voices are too quiet (mainly S-Crafts and Combo Crafts). () to () for providing the adjusted voice clips! 1.1: The volume of certain voice clips were adjusted to be more audible (primarily S-Crafts & Combo Crafts) or peak less (Wazy's laugh). Makes me wonder if Kai fared any better in that regard.* Although Zero benefited from them, I found out that Chara Ani got lazy with the SFX for Azure Evolution and just up-sampled the PSP SFX to 48 kHz, so they don't sound any better, and just take up more space. *Note: Unlike my previous mod for Zero, I chose to exclude the 48 kHz SFX for Azure. It’s worth noting that *Ao no Kiseki KAI* on PS4 also uses the Evolution battle voices. These might not be to everyone’s liking, but they are the same lines at least.
You will find a zip file containing all sorts of useful goodies HERE. This includes the original on PSP, Ao no Kiseki: Evolution on PSVITA, and the coming Ao no Kiseki: Kai Steam port by Clouded Leopard Entertainment. In addition to sounding cleaner, the battle voices from Evolution are new takes from the same voice actors. The Geofront has no plans to support any version of Ao no Kiseki that isn’t the Joyoland PC port released in Chinese.

Evolution has all of the battle voices rendered at 48 kHz instead, and sound cleaner as a result.

To recap for those unfamiliar with the mod, the PSP/PC versions have the battle voices rendered at 22 kHz to save on memory usage, making them sound more muffled. Naturally, since these are just audio files, you can apply this mod regardless of whether you are playing a translated version or not. In preparation for Geofront's Azure project, I went ahead and repeated the () that replaces the battle voices with the higher quality ones from Ao no Kieski Evolution.